January 2011 - December 2011,January 2011 - December 2011,New Years#39; Day (January 1) in 2011 falls on a Saturday. The rules of the applicable exchanges state that when a holiday falls on a Saturday, we observe thefor the January 2011-December2011 Calendar Uk With Bankdecember 2011 calendarJanuary+2011+calendarCalendar, , monthly calendarJanuary month-long holidaysJanuary 2011 Calendar Andjanuary 2011 calendarMonday, 24 of January, 2011January+2011+calendar+fills Empty+calendar+2011a full moon January 2011 : S:October+2011+calendar+January2011 Printable CalendarNew Year#39;s 2011 Holiday - TimeAcademy january 2011 calendar printable - John M. Mitchell Jr. Free Printable 2011 Calendar - The Pleasure Closet