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  • Custom Calendars: Design Your
  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 04:20 AM
    I'm sorry, Bill, but your logic has one big flaw. If you decided to live celibately while other heterosexuals are open to have sex in a [monogamous] relationship, that's fine by me but what you're implying is that every homosexual should be celibate, so what's the point of being attracted to the same-sex at all in your logic? I believe you have to label yourself asexual from now on, since not having or craving sex makes you neither a homosexual nor heterosexual. I believe that every "gay" person should be celibate. I also think opposite-sex monogamous marriage is the only appropriate context for sex. I'm heterosexual. I still feel opposite-sex attraction, but my sex drive has been weak for years. I'm grateful for that weakness, too, because I don't see others as mere objects. I don't see any point in being sexually attracted to anyone of the same sex, since I think homosexuality is a psychological problem caused by nurture, not by nature. My mom used to counsel same-sex-attracted people when she was a nurse and a counselor at a local drug rehabilitation hospital. Her patients liked her, even after he told them that she thought same-sex sex was never okay. They respected her for her honesty. She was brave enough to tell them some things that they didn't want to hear, because she knew that they needed to hear them. Political correctness is evil when it prevents people from saying things that others need to hear for their own good. In about 1962, Pope John XXII refused to condemn heresies because he thought mercy was better than severity. But he ignored that people sometimes need to be severe to show their love for others. I'm all for tact and gentleness. But I'm against political correctness that protects feeling at the expense of the potentially offended person's physical, psychological, or moral wellbeing. John XXIII was like a doctor who would say, "I don't want to talk about killing bacteria, cancer cells, and so on. I think I should just promote good heath." But what if the patient died because, say, the doctor refused to do chemo or wouldn't tell a patient that without it, she would die of cancer? Is the doctor being kind? Is he being negligent? If he doesn't care enough about his patients to tell them bad news that they need to hear, he should stop seeing them. Here at the board, the others are welcome believe anything they want to believe about me. If I make some enemies by merely saying what I believe, then that gives me a chance to love them. But I refuse to be politically correct.

  • Coolest Calendar Designs That
  • mcoyne
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    Poo. I'd rather have the option to keep backing up that cache file to iTunes. I like the ability to see a map of where I've been using the iPhoneTracker app. :( Agreed! Stupid whiners. I hope they will add an option to let your iphone continue keeping a cache of all your locations.

  • mcgillmaine
    Jun 22, 12:13 PM
    Thanks for the info ugp.....Is there anyway you can check other stores to see what they got in stock? Also what area do you live in? And why do you think Apple sent out so little to your area? Because Raleigh-Durham is a decent size (maybe 7-10 stores) but we also have two Apple stores. So maybe Apple is taking that into consideration with allotted units to Radio Shack. IDK just an idea. Thanks again for your help! Good luck on the 24th!

  • Spinhex industrie calendar
  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    Apple's solution is fine by me. They wouldn't have done anything if there wasn't so much press about it, but I guess that's a good reason (one of the only ones) for the press to exist. Interestingly, this behavior of waiting for things to blow up in the press before they are addressed will only lead to MORE things getting blown up in the press. Maybe Apple likes that? I dunno.

  • calendars design.
  • cheekyspanky
    Aug 11, 06:47 PM
    wooooo yea! i was gonna buy the Sony K800 but now i'll wait a bit longer if the iPhone is really coming out casue i want one! The K800 battery life is rubbish I've found, I wouldn't particularly recommend one, same with the K610i. I guess this phone will be sold directly though Apple, as it would take months for the mobile phone networks to take a new handset through all the internal testing stages. I've never paid for a phone up til now (as is the case with most UK residents I'd assume) so it would be an impressive feat if Apple can persuade people in this type of marketplace to actually put their hands in their pockets for a phone.

  • Wall Calendar Design 15#39; x
  • Reddmanz
    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too. I was looking forward to seeing mine seeing as I've been doing a lot of travelling last few months, then I remembered I'm still running 3.1.3.

  • 10 killer calendar designs
  • Multimedia
    Aug 18, 06:50 PM
    So what apps will saturate all four cores or at least get close to it, on either a quad G5 or quad xeon? Are there any? Are there any apps that really take advantage of four cores on their own?Toast 7.1 UB can use more than two cores. In my test at the Apple stopre last Saturday I saw Toast 7.1 UB use more than 3 - between 2.3 and 3.1 cores all the time on the Mac Pro. It also uses more than two on the Quad G5 - just barely. Handbrake is not yet optimized for Mac Pro and uses a little less than two on both. That use of two is negatively impacted as soon as you start doiong something else especially both Toast and Handbrake at once. But in future it will use all four. The problem with that "test" you so highly value, is that the testers didn't have a Quad to compare to, so they didn't even search out applications that are already "Quad Core Ready" - that would make a nice bullet on a software package wouldn't it? Better yet: "MultiCore Ready". If you don't think you are going to ever use more than one thing at a time, then you are right. But I think most of us here have 10-15 things open at once and do all sorts of things at once. That's the reason for "Spaces" in Loepard.

  • April - Calendar Design 2011
  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 22, 10:31 PM
    Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows) and 2011 (Mac) are not slow. They may be slow in your super �ber Mac from which uses the super �ber Core 2 Duo, but it's certainly not in my sister's Core i3 notebook. Your machine is outdated. I hope you're not using it as a reference to judge Microsoft Office performance. Are you having PMS (no offense to the ladies) or something like that? I didn't say it ran slow on my MAC. Even FCP and CS5 run great. Otherwise I would have already purchased a new one. Unlike you, I can afford it. I'm going to buy the new 17" MBP, but because it has issues I decided to wait until these get solved, but that's not your business. Also, your ignorance and arrogance didn't let you understand my point. Every new version of Office, specially the Windows version, requires a bigger and faster computer to run. And when you compare features, there's no real gain from one version to the next, just nice looking colors and animations, which are a waste of processor speed. Go learn some manners, and mature at least a little. Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed in these forums.

  • calendars design gifts
  • excalibur313
    Jun 8, 07:33 PM
    How bout Best Buy? That is my question exactly too! I have these gift certificates from them burning a hole in my pocket. I called today and the woman said she wasn't sure when they would find out launch information about that but she put me on a list to call when she did find out. Has anyone else heard anything? What have they done for previous iphone launches?

  • -calendar-design-vector-
  • dave420
    Apr 25, 01:39 PM
    but I really do not like the fact that the iPhone has a breadcrumbs database of my travels for the last 3 years! This type of thing should not happen without users' knowledge... and it was. Or else this file would not be news! I too don't like the idea of a device saving my location. On the other hand when I am using the Maps app for driving directions which sends my current location to Google, I would be naive to think that information isn't being stored somewhere.

  • Creative Calendar Designs
  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 03:23 PM
    The photo templates in Mail look pretty nifty. The ability to crop and scale inside a pre-defined space would make a nice new feature for iPhoto books, so I suspect we may see more of this feature in iPhoto when iLife refreshes in January. The improved functionality in Mail looks great!

  • to calendar designs,
  • opinioncircle
    Mar 20, 07:56 AM
    Until we have publicly funded campaigns, there will be no change. As long as it costs millions to get elected, business will continue to set policy, maintain the farce of two different parties and basically run the country, a situation I think the OP of this thread is in favour of. Agreed. The 2012 race seems to be one for the books as far as campaign contributions are concerned. This should all go public.

  • Calendar designs which add
  • Slix
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    Never heard anyone say "I want a Xoom!" :rolleyes:

  • Posted in Calendars, Design
  • KnightWRX
    Apr 8, 04:29 AM
    So no one is questionning this rumor at all ? We're just to accept as fact that "apparently" based on the sayings of "one guy who works at BB with pimples on his face says" ? Before everyone jumps the gun and says "BB sucks! They deserve this!" can we at least get some kind of confirmation ? After all, they still advertise them on the web : Or since there's a rumor these guys might have "slighted" Apple, we are to immediately and blindly follow in the witch burning ? Macrumors, the objectivity astounds.

  • George Best Calendar Design
  • simie
    Aug 17, 05:22 AM
    I think that these tests are poor regardless of the results. Testing is all based on evidence and I see none, just what they say are the results. When you run a test you normally document the process for the test conditions. You don't just say Photoshop CS2 - MP aware actions, but which ones - why didn't they use the Photoshop test. "For FCP 5, we rendered a 20 second HD clip we had imported and dropped into a sequence." Does this mean they imported a 20 second clip into a sequence and had to render the clip before it would play with the rest of the sequence. They basically used the render tools in the sequence menu. Why measure something like that.
  • cool calendars designs. and
  • starflyer
    Nov 29, 10:29 AM
    WAIT! WAIT! This could be a good thing! I would pay a dollar to fill up my new iPod with music. :D "These [digital music player] devices are just repositories for stolen music, and they all know it," Morris was quoted as saying at the time. "So it's time to get paid for it.

  • Manual Calendar Design
  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 05:14 PM
    January - March 2007 ..$999 - Dual 2.13 GHz One Conroe $1399 - Dual 2.4 GHz One Conroe $1699 - Dual 2.67 GHz One Conroe $1999 - Quad 2.67 GHz One Kentsfield $2499 - Quad 3.2 GHz One Kentsfield $3499 or more for Mac OctoPod Fastest On EARTH - 8 x 3.2 GHz Two Clovertown later One Yorkfield for less money. This is all just a wild guestimate for discussion purposes. Please don't flame me.At those prices, sign me up for a Quad 2.3!!!! I'll buy that along with a newly designed 23" ACD for $699. :DYeah I can see that this is a January 2007 price list not this year. Sorry for the time warped confusion. :eek: You can already buy a 24" Dell 1920 x 1200 display for only $799 from a dealer who buys and sells them in bulk on eBay.A Quad 2.3 for $1999 ... not going to happen. Even a cheapest configuration of Dell Precision 490 Workstartion ( with dual 2.3 Woodcrests comes out to $2348. This includes 1GB RAM, 80GB SATA drive, and 128MB nVidia Quadro NVS 285 2D graphics. Apple prices are typically a few hundred $ higher. I am guessing it will be more like $2699 with a larger hard drive and better graphics.Yes I realize that. I forgot to put the time frame on the original list. I agree with your assessment of the imminent offerings this summer.

  • calendar design ideas
  • greenstork
    Jul 31, 12:08 PM
    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products... Why would Apple miss the educational buying season? They just released a brand new educational iMac ( this month. eMacs don't need or want the latest and greatest, fastest chips, they need the most bang for their buck. I believe that the $899 educational iMac fits that description to the letter.

  • calendars design.
  • Cheerwino
    Apr 19, 08:02 PM
    Me, Urg, first caveman to make rock round! Michelin and Firestone steal idea!

    Aug 7, 04:46 PM From this site: Closed captioning QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S. ----- Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon... As for the rest of the stuff: 1) Time Machine--cool name for a cool idea. However, I use a Powerbook, and my External HD is in another room. It's not connected all the time. I wonder how this setup will work? And like others, I initially thought "System Restore," but then I realized how different this is, and how Useful. But how far back can you go? I have files on my computer that are almost 10 years old....Will time machine be able to find stuff that was deleted years ago (I do mean AFTER time Machine is installed...I obviously don't expect it to find stuff deleted before TM was installed). 2) Mail. To-Do implementation looks neat, and themes might be fun for a Christmas letter. But I really don't care about HTML mail. 3) iChat. "Share the Screen" looks awesome, if it works well. So does being able to do a slideshow while chatting with someone... 4) Spaces. I've gotten so used to Expose, I can't see Virtual desktops being that big a deal to me. But It's a good feature for those who want it. 5) Dashboard. From the previews, it seems like Dashcode will be available as part of the OS? 6) Spotlight. Over-the-network searches sound great. 7) iCal. More networking features are great, but most of my friends/coworkers have PCs, so moot point for me. 8) Accessibilty: See above about Closed Captioning. Anything that helps Hearing impaired users is great. 9) 64-bit. Kind of Obvious? 10) Core Animation: Will my 1.67 G4 Powerbook be able to utilize this in any way? Overall, great Keynote, I thought. the only people that should be disappointed are the ones claiming all kinds of crazy stuff, as always.

    Aug 16, 10:41 PM
    Should we be surprised? I mean really this is good information, but it is does not really make me sit up and say "WOW". It is definitely interesting for the benchmarks. Thank you Steve for making the switch to Intel!

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:21 PM
    You obviously are posting without knowing anything about what a long form BC is. The short form is what the parents get and what you get when you ask the state for a copy. The long form is what is kept on file by the state. In other words, since it is handled very infrequently, it's probably going to look pristine. If you don't like the guy, then say so, but it seems to me that to you, ignorance is more important than knowledge. Maybe the certificate is legitimate, but I think the original short form would have been more convincing than a pristine copy of the long one. I like Obama, but I loathe his extreme liberalism.

    Mar 23, 12:05 AM
    It came out at $600, which many thought made some sense ( considering it had 3G and GPS. I bought one myself. I think you're right, now it's as low as $400 on contract. (Heck, it's only $250 right now on T-Mobile ( They (Samsung) probably make more on the subsidized units than the others at this point.

    Apr 11, 04:27 PM
    i got the iPhone 4 but also got a new Android because i'm sick of the same old school UI after 3 iPhones and i LOVE my android experience, sure i still use my iPhone 4 for some apps i can't get on the android, but apps r really the only thing that still saves the iPhone. of course its stupid to argue about that on a "mac"rumors site, so i'll just ***** up ^^