Apr 6, 05:01 PM
I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have? It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise. At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right? Or... It could be considered being close minded and afraid of new things. Just saying, you know?
Apr 28, 06:45 AM
Wow, this thread and the ridiculous nature of this issue are hilarious. Seriously, you wonder why the US is going down the pan when the entire nation seems to get caught up in a fight over a bloody birth certificate? Amusing isn't it?
Apr 27, 02:39 PM
Hopefully you're not insinuating that I am pointing to a conspiracy, I'm pretty sure I was quite clear on that account. As for the 'auto-text' thing... interesting, why though would the several dates, etc. be on separate layers? And why would the signatures be separate from the typed text? Just slightly different colorations? My only thought was that the thing was retouched in order to improve the appearance of a poor quality scan... but why would they be so sloppy in reassembling? Why not make it a single layer image before releasing? I don't buy that it was simply overlooked... It's the White House for crying out loud. It's as if they WANT they want the controversy to continue??? do you even know who generated the PDF? Perhaps the state of Hawaii set up an editable blank form for their use?
Al Coholic
Apr 27, 09:42 AM
And Tea Party members :DYou do know that Al "the accidental politician" Franken was at the forefront of this right? Unless that loon switched ideologies I don't think he even drinks tea.
Apr 5, 05:15 PM
I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray? Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience. It's just another way of sucking money out of home consumers. Everything's done online in terms of delivery...
Jul 27, 09:59 AM
Merom in a macbook is all I want, add in 2GB of RAM, and that'll do me. Although they'll be released in the MBP first............looks like more waiting for my first mac!!!:( PLEASE PLEASE hurry, I wanna get rid of my PC. The case in like a wind turbine and the CRT monitor is like a heater!
Sep 19, 08:05 AM
I can see this happening. The MacBook will now be available in five colors! ;)
Apr 27, 10:45 AM
I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph. You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous. You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities. Images taken with my camera do not contain GPS data if I have turned off that feature.
Jul 30, 02:08 AM
It looks pretty good! The extra room would allow for the 3.5" HDD and a dedicated GPU--making it a "true" media center. Not to nitpick, but maybe it would only have to be 1.5x wider rather than 2x wide. Either way, I think it's pretty cool. Thanks! ;) I think that the bigger issue with Dan=='s design (full credit and kudos for the idea!) is that the Mac Mini is so small that it only uses laptop components. If you want to have a full-size optical drive or a full-size hard drive, you need to use a larger form factor. This is part of the reason for the size of my design. Here's a comparison in sizes (I've also changed the floor because my wife thought that the reflection was confusing...) Cheers!
Jun 8, 06:46 PM
You've got questions. We've got transistors.
Mar 31, 03:19 PM
Android > iOS. This just makes it even better that they are going to tighten up with providers are doing to bend over the consumer.
Chip NoVaMac
Apr 8, 12:17 AM
Not really a spectacle. They take the evening's drop shipment and get it into inventory. they sell it at the three places I can check before the Mall even opens, for example: Kenwood Town Center in Cincinnati opens at 7:00 for mall walkers. They let people in line at that time. The store opens at 8:00 to give "reservations" to the line standers for their choice of the available stock. They start processing/selling at about 8:30 and distribution is usually complete before 10:00 when the mall stores open and shoppers arrive. Apple doesn't open for sales till 10:00 either. So they are actually avoiding the spectacle and line in front of the store during normal hours, which you would have if everyone showed up around 4:00 or 5:00 to be around for the afternoon drop-shipment. I like Apple's approach on the iPad 2 vs my experience with the iPhone 4 - where I and 20+ of my closest friends packed the Reston Apple Store in order to see if we could score the iPhone 4 from that mornings delivery.
Jul 21, 12:52 PM
i've just sold my dual g5 because i plan to buy a new macpro in august. You sold your existing computer now, so you can replace it with a system that has not yet been announced? And what if this system doesn't ship until October or November? I hope that G5 wasn't your only computer. But seems that it will be already obsolate after 3 months. "Obsolete"? Because it isn't the fastest computer in the world? I hate to break it to you, but if you define "obsolete" as "less powerful than the best in the world", then you're going to be buying new computers every three months for the rest of your life. So Intel is coming out with faster chips on a rapid schedule, so what? Even if Apple releases updated systems every three months, so what? Does this somehow mean the computer you buy today will suddenly become incapable of running the applications you want to run?
Apr 6, 03:37 PM
I hope that number keeps rising; we need competition to not let Apple rest on it's laurels. First they need to make a product worthy of rising. A sub par product and user experience will not push Apple. At any rate, clearly Apple is not resting on laurels with the rest of computing industry as far back as they are in quality, price, experience and their available software ecosystems.
Sep 13, 10:03 AM
I'm just wondering if I can drop one of these into an iMac... Are they pin-compatible? Also sort of wondering about a heat issue. Nope - Different processor archetecture. Even if the pins were the same, the motherboards are different. Both Clovertown and Woodcrest are 'Xeon' chips, which is a particular processor family. Chips in one processor family may be replaceable with others from that family, but generally different families are not replacable with each other. (Unless specifially designed to do so.) Also, the iMac is a 32-bit computer, and these are 64-bit chips, reducing any possiblity to zero.
Mar 31, 04:06 PM
And the Apple haters do yet another 180... 1. Macs 1995 to 2007: Don't use a Mac. Noone uses Macs. 2007 to Present: Don't use a Mac. Everyone uses a Mac. 2. Apps 1995 to 2/22/2011: Don't use Apple. There is no software and they can't do anything. 2/22 to Present: Apps? Who needs Apps as long as you have a robust UI? 3. Open 2007 to Today: Apple is a walled garden that only stupid lemmings use. Today going forward: Controlling the OS is necessary and good for the consumer. Honestly... this just needs repeating to drive the point home. Well said and 100000% accurate.
Mar 22, 02:17 PM
Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents. Every day that Flash doesn't live on smartphones and tablets (all manufacturers, not just Apple), more content moves from Flash to HTML5. The relevance of Flash decreases a little bit every single day. I've been an iPod touch owner since 2007 and I've adapted quite well. I also have an iPad and the Skyfire web browser will do Flash movie conversion. Lack of Flash on portable devices = not a big deal to Joe Consumer
Aug 27, 06:36 PM
IF new MBPs are announced tomorrow and IF people who had ordered new MBPs see their ship dates slip Then wouldn't that signal that prices won't change for the various models from existing prices AND that we shouldn't assume drastic shell changes? Sure they can give us easy access and a magnetic lid, but no options on a glossy screen and no black anodized aluminum. If I were Apple, I'd hold off on the black aluminum for a few months to get a few of us suckers to buy two of the damn things... Malibu Stacy Marketing 101.
Mar 31, 06:24 PM
I would add I never understand the comparison of Smartphones running Android to smartphones running IOS. Neither Google or Apple sell their phone operating systems, and the Android spectrum is made up of 50 handsets from 10 different manufacturers who are in direct competition with each other. They are not one big group working together to take on Apple. It makes absolutely zero sense to make that kind of comparison. It is just as weird as loping off iPod and iPad IOS users... If people want to compare smartphones, then compare actual sales of individual smartphones, each which only use one OS. People should not draw meaningless lines in the sand lumping all android based handsets together, because they are not together other than they run android. They might as well compare black phones to white phones. I imagine if you made a chart of the top selling smartphones in the last 5 years, it would consist of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone. Why not group smartphones by what kind of graphics chip they have or what type of memory chip they use? The OS is irrelevant. Nobody in the smartphone business is directly making money off any of these oses, it is a stupid way to categorize smart phones. Of course it happens because if they didn't lump them together it would look absurd with Apple totally dominating the smart phone market with their latest phone every year while 100 android commodity phones all have tiny market shares just to get replaced by the next one. How does HTC running android OS benefit or relate to a Motorola phone running android? It does not, at all. Hey, you! No rationality allowed in this here thread. Vitriol, stereotypes, and blanket generalizations only! Shame on you. ;)
Sep 19, 07:38 AM
apple store isn't down yet. I don't expect it today like a lot of people do i agree. i think the store would have went down already. next monday has got to be it.
Apr 6, 11:05 AM
I don't think you'll see IPS screens in MacBook Pro's or Air in the future. Apple is working on the mass market now and mass market don't care about quality of the screens specially on the portables. If you need colors and better screen then Apple will sale you "****ing glossy amazing" 27" display. :) Shame really, because the Pro in me would like a more color accurate screen, even for a little extra Apple Tax. C'mon Apple! You can release a $3000 laptop, you know you can!
Nov 29, 08:10 AM
Surely if they want a cut of mp3 players they should also have a cut of: Hard drive sales in general (my computer has more music on thatn my iPod) Mobile phones that can play mp3's PSP's cd players and hifi's that play mp3 cd's any SD, memory stick, flash drive etc that could be used to store alleged stolen music..... the list goes on. Hope steve, and everyone else, tells them where to go.
Aug 7, 05:07 PM
Time Machine won't mean much when the HD fails. Back that azz up!
Sep 18, 11:06 PM
In Macbook/Pro are updating in Novemeber...It means Apple is 3 months behind all laptop manufactures... I seriously doubt that Apple will let that happen, but then again, they are apple, they think differently!