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  • april 2011 calendar blank.
  • gloss
    Sep 19, 06:52 AM
    As I is naught en Amerikan canned sumone plz tell mi wen tanksgifting is? :p British Transport: "Mayday, mayday! Can you hear us? We are sinking! We are sinking!" German Coast Guard: [pause] "...what are you...tsinking about? ("

  • april 2011 calendar blank.
  • ChazUK
    Apr 6, 03:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1) Not bad for a $800 dollar device, available for one carrier. I wonder what the numbers will look like after the late march wifi-only. At least 100k people know what its like to have a really FUNCTIONAL Tablet. please tell me! what defines a functional tablet I'd assume that that would be user specific for their needs. Different strokes for different folks and all. Honeycomb, iOS, QNX, WEBOS. They'll cater to all types.

  • free april 2011 calendar
  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 04:20 PM
    I wouldn't say this was copying. A way to backup and restore your files is just common sense. Even if Microsoft didn't have a restore feature, Apple would have come up with it anyway. If Apple had had that feature for years and MS would include it into Vista now, you'd call it copying, no !? ;)

  • Blank Calendar April year
  • roland.g
    Apr 6, 11:27 AM
    Yeah, but for alot of people as cool as the iPad 2 is, it still can't do alot of what they need to do on the road. I have the iPad 1 and it's great. My favorite way to surf the web hands down! HOWEVER...I like to edit HD movies from my csnon dslr and do some creative projects while traveling...and the iPad can't do it. When I heard the iPad 2 was going to get iMovie, I got excited, but when it was released, I found out that iMovie on the iPad 2 can ONLY edit movies shot on apple iOS devices(the iPad, iPod and iPhone)!! Nor can I use Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro on it. There are MANY creative people out there who love the MacBook air, but have been waiting for this update. I still love my original iPad, and travel with it everywhere. BUT I decided not to buy the new iPad 2 even if it has a camera and is faster....cause it's still a "closed" device, and can't do alot of the things I need to do on the road. Things the MacBook air CAN do. Heck, when I get one of the new MacBook airs...I may travel with BOTH it AND my iPad. Lol. They are slim enough and can both fit in my laptop sleeve in my knapsack and still weigh less than a 15" or 17" MacBook pro! I will get a new iMac when they are updated too for my workstation at home, since my G5 iMac is on it's last legs. Lol. And I am sure EVENTUALLY I will update my iPad. But for now I don't need to at all. I guess you have to do what you have to do on the road. Still a shame that you suffer running Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro, or edit HD video on a notebook, let alone an underpowered one. Both from a power and a screen aspect. I don't discount the fact that there are road warriors who need an MBA or other portable for work. Whether that is an office suite and email or actual video/photo production or anything in between. But while some people, especially of the lighter use group, will choose the MBA over the MBP in a 15" or 17" form factor, or even the 13" MBP, for their needs, the point was that the MBA borders on a consumption machine because of its weight, access, and limits in power. You can do workhorse projects on it, but will still suffer the slow rendering time. An MBA is perfectly suited to the business traveler who needs all the office capabilities but no significant power.

  • Blank+calendar+april+2011
  • skellener
    Mar 31, 06:47 PM
    Google should have included a clause that allows anyone to re-install raw/clean Android on their phone/tablet once they have it. Basically wipe off any crud the carriers decide to install on it. In fact, that should be the option when you first launch your device when you get it. Boot to Google Android, or Carrier/Manufacturer Android. Should be included on every device.

  • printable lank calendar image
  • gugy
    Aug 11, 02:47 PM
    You guys are looking about a $500.00 phone...atleast. not just that, it's just not happening. come on, too much stuff on a phone. If we get a basic GOOD phone with contact list ala Apple design and ipod, that's enough. You start adding so much crap on a phone and in the end it just get overkill.

  • april 2011 blank calendar.
  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 19, 06:08 PM
    !!!! DON'T DO THE SMC FIRMWARE UPDATE !!!! Sorry to post it here, but I think it's urgent. This update "fixes" tha Macbook fans. After the update, they (the fans) basically run at full speed all the time. They only stop once your CPU is below 50°C.

  • Blank Calendar Planner April
  • Super Dave
    Aug 6, 01:29 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard Introducing Vista 2.0 :D B Is that Vista 2.0 thing real? I hadn't seen it before. David :cool:

  • lank calendar 2011 april.
  • cbronfman
    Apr 11, 06:44 PM
    Doesn't this make sense? I think I'm close, I'm sure I forgot something / not perfectly accurate, but this seems like what Apple is shooting for. Makes sense to me... Jan: iPhone (like original) Mar: iPad May: iMac/MacPro June/Jul: Software Sept: iPods Nov: Laptops The original iPhone which I purchased was released on June 29th, 2007 (I guess - wow that's a while ago) although it was announced much earlier.

  • april 2011 calendar blank.
  • guzhogi
    Nov 29, 01:16 PM
    Just thought of something, maybe Apple could charge the record company for each song released by means of "Oh, you used a Mac to make this song. Give us this amount of money for each copy of the song you sell."

  • may 2011 blank calendar.
  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 17, 01:19 AM
    Yes...Photoshop can only run under Rosetta on the Intel machines...there's no universal version of it. It was just the performance was dam quick I just wasn't sure if there was an Intel version out or not, either way that is killer performance.

  • Blank Calendar 2011 April
  • tny
    Jul 20, 09:06 AM
    I got it! The Macintosh Quadra! No, wait . . . . ;) You realize there are probably only four people on this board who are old enough to get that joke, right? My "vote" goes for "Hex" - "The Mac Hex. Buy one and see." Then again, maybe not.

  • Blank Calendar 2011 April or
  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 04:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5) Are you sure you understand what is happening here? Apple is presenting at the FCP Users Group Supermeet, no one is getting booted from the NAB show! Booted from NAB? No. Booted from the SuperMeet? Yes. Like I said before, I hope that those who signed up before the 'Apple take over' will still have a chance to see the presentations that have been displaced. Now step back for a minute and THINK what are the members of this group interested in? Obviously they are interested in more than just FCP because the SuperMeet was a successful event prior to Apple's take over. Lethal

  • Blank Calendar April 2011
  • Banjhiyi
    Mar 26, 07:39 AM
    It must be conspiracy right. Right. It couldn't just be an honest mistake as a result of a stretched development team. No. It must be the same guys who shot Kennedy messing up all our tech. It's probably something to do with the Chinese. I kinda covered that in 'sloppy QA or declining standards' but don't let that get in the way of a good flaming. As you were.

  • lank calendars for april 2011
  • BoyBach
    Nov 29, 06:30 AM
    But do you really think a court will decide that way. Not likely, especially if it's a judge from the wealth maximisation school of thought. It would be an interesting case, and yes, it is possible.

  • Blank+calendar+april+2011
  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 22, 10:25 AM

  • april 2011 calendar blank.
  • khollister
    Mar 22, 01:37 PM
    Yeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2. Plus RIM's usually obtuse software - I hate my company BlackBerry

  • Free Blank Calendar April 2011
  • ugp
    Jun 10, 10:37 PM
    They're using different quote systems in the store. My pristine 16GB 3G with charger came in on the web @ $185.94 while the in store quote is only $141 and dropping daily according to the manager here. So I'm doing the FedEx pre-paid shipping to CEXCHANGE for the higher amount. Might have to wait for the gift card past the 24th but I'd rather get the higher amount. Plus my store manager says he'll hold my reserved iPhone until the gift card comes back if it doesn't arrive back in 2 weeks. :) Well that is pretty dumb of them to do that. Makes no difference whether the store does it or you send it in. You would think they would want you to take it into a store so an employee can see the product and make their judgement.

  • Printable Blank April 2011
  • peterdevries
    Apr 20, 08:50 AM
    Samsung didn't stole it from Apple since they were first with the design, end of story. Samsung can claim Apple stole their design and patent it. That's fraud right since it's not their own idea? Read my post properly. If one company doesn't patent the idea, than other companies can copy it without consequence. If Samsung was indeed first (and I'm not challenging that they were, I don't know), than they are stupid that they didn't patent it. I'm sure Samsung sues many other companies that infringe on their patents. I really don't understand what all this fuss is about. People need to see that this is normal business practice (whatever your opinion of it may be is totally besides the point).

    Nov 28, 08:46 PM
    I think we all saw this coming with Microsoft setting Apple up for this with their feeble Zune; I'm not surprised. I mean it is not like Microsoft is actually going to pay up, as they would have to actually sell a unit before they did that, ha! Universal has it coming if they think that the leading digital media player manufacturer is going to dish out money to them for a product whose production/ingenuity they have nothing to do with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that Sony ever paid $10 to each music company for each CD player they sold. This is like forcing Apple to pay a fee to the manufacturer of my desk because my iBook sits on it. Jobs has no reason to give in. Apple holds 75% of the cards in the US market alone, and if other people want in on the action, they should consider themselves lucky if they are chosen. I smell a boycott...

    Mar 26, 04:40 PM
    It's this mentality that makes me smile. Without knowing any of the details as to what the final shipping version will be, mezmerized (hypnotized ?) by Apple, enthusiasts are ready to pay whatever Apple demands for the product. I get to sit back without any effort, and watch with delight as they pour the money into Apples coffers. In turn, my vast amount of Apple stock climbs higher & higher as they brag about Apples Billions. Their blind trust pays me well. Thanks Apple ! Of course one should upgrade to the next OS X release. Apple makes substantial changes in each major release; if not functionally, then in refactoring code for future enhancements. I'll wait until it is known to be stable, and know that the software I use will run under the new version. Apple is not MS. I stayed with Windows XP until Windows 7 was reasonably stable. The only reason to not move to the new OS would be lack of support for current hardware. Not likely to happen with Lion.

    Sep 15, 01:08 PM
    On an unrelated note, wouldnt it been cool to effectivly install a whole OS on RAM. That would be noticably quicker.... The OS would be faster but unless you had tons of RAM, the Apps ... :) Modern OSes use RAM not used by apps to cache recently used files/data, since it makes more sense to keep around stuff the system mind need again. Most OS files aren't needed (just look at the size of the OS itself on any system!). Of course, back in my Amiga days, pretty much all the OS was running from ROM/RAM, and it had pre-emptive multitasking but no VM system. As a result, it was incredibly snappy to use, despite being a 7.14MHz 68K. I've occasionally seen real Amigas since then and I'm always impressed by how "fast" it feels, even if the system itself seems rather primative by modern standards. I imagine the early Macs were somewhat similar in this regard, but I didn't use one properly til the early 90's, by which time I was more interested in Unix, VMS, etc.

    Apr 8, 12:34 AM
    I am confused about this. Did Best Buy get iPads but tell customers that they don't have them? So now Apple pulled the iPads from the shelves, but there weren't any on the shelves... Why would they do that :confused:?

    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    To store data temporally. That is what RAM does. I believe the question was about what App on the iPad 2 is hindered by the amount of RAM. What are you trying to do, with what App, that needs 1GB? If the RAM isn't enhancing the experience, than what is the point other than to increase cost? You could put 4GB in an iPad too, but you will likely notn use it (with the current 1/3 million Apps). So what is the magic number that works seamlessly for 99% of what people use the device for?