iphone blank screen white

iphone blank screen white. iPhone Style Black Ultraiphone blank screen white. White iPhone 4 Availableiphone blank screen white. iPhone 4 Battery Door Coveriphone blank screen white. a lack and white screen,iphone blank screen white. Easy level in White Lines williphone blank screen white. lank screen black. lankiphone blank screen white. White LCD Display + Screeniphone blank screen white. The white iPhone was announcediphone blank screen white. lack screen with whiteiphone blank screen white. My iPhone Screen Is Whiteiphone blank screen white. iPhone White Screeniphone blank screen white. the iPhone 4#39;s screen isiphone blank screen white. Next Black LCD Display +iphone blank screen white. a lank white screen.iphone blank screen white. iPhone 4 glassiphone blank screen white. Maybe it was all the whiteiphone blank screen white. white screen, apple iphoneiphone blank screen white. SGD$15.00. Leather Coatediphone blank screen white. looks like a White iPhone
  • iPhone Style Black Ultra
  • 4JNA
    Jul 20, 12:06 PM
    'speakable items on' 'selecting hal9000 voice' what are you doing dave? you know i can't let you apply the filter to those pictures in that manner. dave, i'm scared... 'speakable items off' now we just need the big red glowing light on the front instead of the white one...:eek:

  • White iPhone 4 Available
  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 21, 09:29 AM
    Choosing icons that have taken on universal meanings and thus are similar, is quite a bit different from direct copying, of which we see none. The closest ones in that group are probably the phones, and yet if you search for a phone icon on the web, or even on cell phone buttons, probably a quarter of them are slanted. Moreover, green is an extremely common color for the primary phone button, which is why Apple chose it themselves. The use of rounded square icon backgrounds is a bit more damning, but still a style choice. Also, Apple's has a shadow and my Fascinate doesn't have the rounded square on most anyway. Btw, I have noticed that Apple hasn't tried to claim ownership of the twirling wait symbol, but a lot of us were using that before they were. I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS. ooh i was just waiting for that magical term 'generic' that we always hear about after another 'copy' comes along. 'Style choices' is a classic, are you a politician? "Hey look at how well designed that iPhone is I think I'll make a few 'style choices' and copy every single one of their icons..then have my lawyers deem them all generic".

  • iPhone 4 Battery Door Cover
  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:16 AM
    These rumors surrounding the iPhone have been around for quite a while now, so I sure hope it becomes reality sooner rather than later. Who knows, if it�s really good I may actually buy my first cell phone ever. :cool:

  • a lack and white screen,
  • gugy
    Aug 17, 03:56 PM
    They have become the Microsoft of the graphics world. See what having lots of money can do to you? Makes you cocky. That's one big reason I don't want Apple to gain much more market share. I want them to have just enough to keep them working hard... not so much to make them fat and lazy and greedy. Wow, interesting. I think Adobe is actually pretty good upgrading their software. As for Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects they seem to do major upgrades every 18 months. I think is very reasonable. Plus is a normal thing when you are on the top to slow down a little, and frankly I don't think they are doing that. CS3 will be here next year alongside possibly with After Effects, so what's your problem with Adobe? As for Microsoft, I agreed that they are very slow when it comes to Office suite for Mac.

  • Easy level in White Lines will
  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:13 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does? Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;) Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

  • lank screen black. lank
  • Macaroony
    Mar 7, 07:51 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (http://www.tfp.org/images/books/Defending_A_Higher_Law.pdf). Here's a tidbit from the pdf: This book is dedicated to the Holy Family, the sublime model for all families, and our sure guide in the reaction to the sexual revolution and homosexual offensive. May the Blessed Mother intercede with Her Divine Son for all Americans committed to defend the sacred institutions of marriage and the family. Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused: Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are. I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

  • White LCD Display + Screen
  • H. Flower
    Apr 7, 11:03 PM
    All right then, here we are. This better be good. Or back to AVID, or on to Premiere.

  • The white iPhone was announced
  • thunng8
    Aug 31, 09:15 PM
    Check it out! http://barefeats.com/quad06.html The 3 ghz Mac Pro is neck and neck with the G5 Quad in the Adobe benchmarks, sick considering the fact it's running under rosetta!! It is worth noting that Barefeats has updated their comparison using much more typical photoshop operations: http://www.barefeats.com/quad11.html Which shows a much different picture, with the PowerPC models outperforming the MacPro by a significant margin.

  • lack screen with white
  • manu chao
    Apr 25, 01:49 PM
    Ah, the perfect storm! A (probable) bug that does not clip the data the way Google does it, Natually this leads to stupid lawsuits. This is America, dammit! And Google occasionally stores random data from any unsecured WiFi network its StreetView cars come by. I now there were rumblings about government investigations into Google's data grab (which was transmitted and stored onto Google's computers) but was there also a lawsuit? Not that Apple should not have fixed this presumed bug when it first was reported last year. Either nobody at Apple was really paying attention to what other people managed to extract in terms of 'forensic information' or they were not organised (or motivated) enough to get fix done. I cannot help myself but thinking that a scenario in which Apple knew about this but decided to fix it only with iOS 5 is not that unlikely.

  • My iPhone Screen Is White
  • Hellhammer
    Dec 5, 03:30 AM
    hahe same here.. though i was close on the first alfa and rally challenge but the ferrari one: 1st corner you are first place and then you can just finish the race 'safe' but the lambo one... what a PITA .. it even spined out on me in a fast corner just because i went off the throttle slightly i already took a mental note to avoid _that_ lambo for the challenge Come on, Lambos are the best! :p It just requires some learning and tuning of the breaks. Love my 841hp Murcielago ;)

  • iPhone White Screen
  • ergle2
    Sep 13, 02:40 PM
    So what do you think they meant with M/C/W being a derived arch and Penryn,etc being unified archs? From what I understood, they'll stop having different characteristics (FSB,RAM,Cache) and instead just differentiate them with MHz and core count. Hence all the stories that future Intel chips (starting with Penryn I presume) won't use FSB. I believe you've got it backwards. Penryn is a derived arch (check the diagram) -- it's derived from Conroe/Merom, etc., ie it's based on them with "more" -- faster FSB, more cache, a die shrink (which is technically less... :) ) etc. Unified just means the micro-arch itself the same rather than the entire CPU. This is already true of Core2, and is significantly cheaper in terms production costs. Merom/Conroe are literally the same core in a different package, specified for different voltage/clockspeeds. I'm not sure if Woodcrest is but it seems highly likely. The one oddity I am aware of is Allendale isn't a Conroe with half the cache disabled, it's actually a specific die. The rest of the microarch itself is the same, however. Nehalem, etc. aren't derived because they're a new microarch. (Interestingly, Nehalem was originally intended for launch early 2007). CSI replacing FSB was originally planned for 2006 in older roadmaps. It now looks like a 2008 debut with Tukwila (Itanium, not x86), and will no doubt work its way down from there.

  • the iPhone 4#39;s screen is
  • Hellhammer
    Apr 6, 12:08 PM
    Are you smoking something? Sure the IGP used in SB 13" MBP might get some fudged numbers by those who report for Apple, but you think the ULV SB IGP is going to even compare to the 320m on any level??? Huh? You are far smarter than that. So what you are saying is, AnandTech manipulated their own benchmarks so Intel HD 3000 would look better than 320M? That's how I interpret your post. If all you want to believe is those Windows scores which are irrelevant when it comes to OS X, be my guest. I didn't say the ULV IGP will be anything close to 320M, but just because it's 50% worse under Windows doesn't mean that it will be as bad in OS X. I'm pretty sure you even said that the benchmarks under Windows are not relevant when the first preview of SB was published.

  • Next Black LCD Display +
  • oldwatery
    Apr 19, 02:09 PM
    What annoys me even more is that Apple always seems to make these claims that they made such and such first, and that Windows is copying Mac OS.. What annoys me is if you know a bit of the history you'll find that Apple copied Xerox interface, with permission of course, but it's not like they came up with it first.. Now they are making another claim that Samsung is copying.. x2 Everything is just a development of something else. There is no absolute originality. This is a stupid waste of time and effort. But I guess when you get all big and high and mighty then why not throw some of the spare cash at a silly law suit if for no other reason than getting more publicity.

  • a lank white screen.
  • Magrathea
    Apr 6, 11:15 PM
    Youre aware the newest mbp (high end) 15, and 17 haveva 1gb graphics memory, right? Yes but not Nvidia so I don't think they can use the CUDA think. correct my if I'm wrong where PP gurus.

  • iPhone 4 glass
  • notjustjay
    Apr 8, 12:22 AM
    I do not intend to be rude, but there is a difference in HDMI cables, no matter what the Internet tells you. Conductors, shielding materials/layers and the way the connectors are put together are a few differentiators. An AudioQuest Coffee cable, for example, which is several hundred dollars ($600 I believe for a 1.5m) is made of pure silver starting with the tips and going the length of the cable. This is not the same as a no name $5 dollar HDMI cable from Amazon. Sure there is a difference, but is it noticable? Is it worth the cost? A Ferrari costs a lot more than a Ford Fiesta. It's better built and has a lot more power under the hood. But if all you're ever doing is driving at 20 mph, then it doesn't matter, the Fiesta has all the power you need and you'll save a pile of money. Now, you don't want to go rock bottom and buy a junker that might break down, but as long as it runs smoothly at 20 mph, any car will do the job. You don't want ultra-cheap crappy cables that can develop loose connections or come poorly shielded, as that can cause dropouts. But neither do you need pure silver or oxygen-free shielding or whatever. Any HDMI cable will either fail outright or do the exact same job as any other for the given application.

  • Maybe it was all the white
  • ugp
    Mar 26, 03:03 PM
    I would love to see Lion come as a Flash Drive instead of a Disc based media. Install would be much faster than it would be from a disc. Flash memory costs are very cheap. I am looking forward to Lion in general and will be happy to pay for the software instead of just a download via Torrent. I don't mind supporting Apple unlike I did with Windows.

  • white screen, apple iphone
  • Vegasman
    Apr 25, 04:45 PM
    Why should Location Services stop your phone from logging cell tower information, the same information your cell company logs? Now if it's in Airplane Mode, then I'd wonder... I don't think the "smart people" are all that smart if that's their issue! People don't tend to lose their "cell tower information" stored on their carrier's servers too often. They do however lose their phone in bars (ask Apple), in airports and other places. And then there is the issue of the iTunes backup.... Imagine for a second you were going through a nasty divorce, and the crazy spouse got the Mac Book Pro as part of some early asset devying up. And just now you are finding out she has the backup of YOUR locations. Those same locations her sneaky lawyer can use to create this wild ass scenario that makes you look bad for reasons A, B and C. Personal stuff needs to stay private and secure. It's incredible what malicious people can do with it it.

  • SGD$15.00. Leather Coated
  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 20, 11:28 AM
    any talk of a quad core merom or mobile cpu? No. I shouldn't think any laptop will be getting Kentsfield for a while....

  • looks like a White iPhone
  • GFLPraxis
    Aug 11, 10:39 AM
    These iPhone rumours continue to persist. I admit to being a sceptic, but maybe I'm wrong! I just hope that if they do do it, they do it well. The Intel Mac rumors persisted too.

    Dec 10, 07:07 PM
    I finished the Sebastien Loeb Challenge. It was incredible. I got a few decent shots along the way. I have more but i got tired of the copy/paste routine. I think they turned out alright, its the first time i've actually played with all of the settings. Clicky for 1920x1080 http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/canada2113/gt5/EigerNordwandKTrail.jpg http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/canada2113/gt5/ChamonixMain.jpg http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a93/canada2113/gt5/Toscana.jpg (it was in the middle of the day. filters are fun)

    Apr 6, 08:50 PM
    If your sector of the business has decided to move to Premier because it works for them, awesome- but don't paint it as an industry trent. Cause I've seen zero migration from FCP to PP in Toronto post houses. Pro editing is still a two horse race: AVID and FCP. And I can't help but think how ironic it will be if the new FCS will be built on AV Foundation, which was pioneered on your hated "itoys". http://www.philiphodgetts.com/2011/02/a-new-64-bit-final-cut-pro/ Never said it was an industry-wide trent (sic). I said "a lot of professionals" have made the switch. Thanks.

    Apr 11, 01:03 PM
    Ive had my 3GS since launch and my contract will end same date in june i got my phone. I was hoping to wait MAYBE a month or 2, but if this holds up true, and they dont tell us at WDDC, they just expect us to wait, I will GLADLY go with a HTC Dual Core Android or Samsung Galaxy Dual Core Android because my 3GS is @ 512 cycles and its barely starting to hold 7 hours anymore, I need a new phone but Im waiting. Also whats ironic is, apple care ends at the same time, and I was hoping that apple would keep the 2 year cycle going so every 2 years you just "rotate" out. Dad had a 3G, next year I got a 3GS, next year he got a 4, this year I was gonna get a 5. If they **** up that cycle, ill call it quits on Apple. I love the iPhone, but im not going 2 1/2 years with a phone that wont hold a charge in a few months. They better give us an explanation, or im done with apple.

    Apr 6, 12:49 PM
    Shouldn't the flash HD have a significant role in overheating? I would think with the Flash HD with no moving parts it would be hard to over heat unless you sit there blocking the fan the whole time. :confused: A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).

    Jul 20, 01:26 PM
    But as some already pointed out, many applications can't use multiple cores, therefore you won't get any performance improvements with multi cores. True, but many applications are fast enough on a single core, and applications that are not fast enough _will_ be modified when multiple processors are common.