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  • Mar truetypedetailed
  • CorvusCamenarum
    Feb 28, 08:54 PM
    But threads like this are above further research. Not sure why you'd want to mess up a perfectly good party. I was aiming to make a valuable contribution. To what, I'm not so sure. ;)

  • pokemon black rom,
  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 23, 05:02 PM
    We should either stay out of ALL interference, or else put on the damn star-spangled cape and superhero tights and get to business already. Wherever evil is, we must go and fight it! :rolleyes: That's what it might look like from your shores. Fortunately, the world and life isn't so black and white. Quite right. So far the whole Libya affair has a lot more in common with Desert Fox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Iraq_(December_1998)) than Iraq... Operationally, perhaps. But politically, more in line with Bosnia, a civil war on Europe's borders involving genocide... with the added complications of Gaddafi's record, set in context of uprisings across the entire region. It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate. Chuckle of the evening. Serious debate? You have no idea what debate is, endlessly unthinkingly recycling the same garbage that's so easily shot down from Heritage and other paid shills, thinking Fox News is a news organisation and Newt Gingrich is some kind of debating genius. Newt Gingrich, the idiot-savant, who only two weeks ago was urging the president: Asked, �what would you do about Libya?� Gingrich responded: Exercise a no-fly zone this evening. � We don�t need to have the United Nations. All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we�re intervening. and now is saying:
  • Pokémon Black ou White;
  • babyj
    Sep 19, 09:52 AM
    Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too. The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made. I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

  • A-z list nov has gone dark
  • Bill McEnaney
    Feb 28, 11:56 AM
    On Friday, though, the college issued a statement accusing him not only of being gay, which it called contrary to traditional Catholic doctrine, but also of misrepresenting before he was hired that he was a member of an independent branch of Catholicism. He denied both accusations Saturday, saying he never hid his sexuality or his affiliation with the Old Catholic Apostolic Church of the Americas from school officials. Does he feel same-sex attractions or doesn't he? The reporter says that the priest is "gay." The article tells me that the priest denied both accusations. If he denied both accusations, he denied that he was gay. The reporter or the college goofed. Being "gay" isn't contrary to Catholic teachings. Living a "gay lifestyle" is contrary to them.

  • Space Screensavers (5 more
  • err404
    Apr 25, 02:09 PM
    It is also used for forensic evidence against and for you in legal court. They could, but law enforcement doesn't need this log. They can get the data straight from the cell provider.

  • into the dark unknown?
  • After G
    Aug 25, 11:26 PM
    I guess I am lucky, but I haven't had problems through all the Macs I have bought. It may be because I haven't bought rev A of any product. The eMac was 2nd gen. No problems. The iBook was 2nd to last gen. No problems. And the Intel Mac mini is just an internals change. We'll wait and see. If my Intel mini conks out unexpectedly, I will give Apple one more chance, because they haven't worked with Intel hardware extensively like PPC hardware. At the same time, there is a price to pay for lower prices. Would you be willing to pay premiums for quality? I'm glad Apples are cheaper, but not glad about the downturn in quality. I think I would pay a bit more for quality, myself.

  • and Friends Screensaver
  • zelet
    Aug 26, 09:31 AM
    After reading through this thread, doesn't it concern everyone that so many of us have dealt with customer support over the past couple years. What ever happened to quality control? I am not sure I have ever bought one Apple product since 1996 that I didn't end up calling Apple Customer support because something was wrong. I remember buying a lot of computers, Apple II's, original macs, Commodore 64's, Amigas, Dells, etc. that never once required a phone call. Now everything I buy from Apple breaks or needs a repair prior to it's warranty running out. I have also had two machines and an ipod go completely bad after the warranty expired. To be fair to Apple - all electronics suck really badly. People have demanded cheap for years so all the manufacturers put the priority on price over quality. Every single piece of electronics is made by some 14 year old Chinese slave... er... laborer. Of course your stuff is going to break. Washing machines used to last 15 years. They last about 5 (max) now. I have a Palm PDA from high school that still works. The one from College stopped working after 9 months. I bought a brand-new TV that started getting green spots after 4 months. My parents still have a TV that works as good as it could from 10 years ago.

  • pokemon black rom,
  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 5, 11:39 AM
    Quite true about 'continuation', but economic models probably require that we do, in order to keep the pyramid growing at the base. Not sure what that has to do with the price of rice in China. I seriously doubt that would be a legitimate complaint against homosexuality, much less color it as "immoral." Nevertheless, I know several young, married (straight), professional women who have decided not ever to have children. I can't really identify with that, but it's their choice. Should I tell them they are ****ing up our economic future? :eek:

  • pokemon black dsi xl,
  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 10:11 AM
    What is absolutely hilarious, last night there were sound bites of Republican's asking "Why did Obama bring this birth certificate thing up, we have work to do!!"

  • your Out this screensaver
  • drlunanerd
    Aug 25, 05:08 PM
    I've just come out the other side of a protracted saga with AppleCare. Bought my first personal Apple laptop, a MacBook, in May (having supported and bought a lot of their hardware over the years in my job). It had a couple of faults so I decided to send it in to get repaired. It took them 2 months to get a working laptop back to me. After 1 month I had the original MacBook returned, which they hadn't repaired at all, apparently due to spare parts availabilty problems. After another 2 weeks they sent a replacement MacBook. Which was DOA. At this point I asked for a refund as I had no confidence in the quality control of the product. Customer Relations then offered me an upgrade to a new Macbook Pro, which I have now and am happy with. So a happy ending, but a disgracefully long wait to get to it. Unfortunately this has been my experience with AppleCare over the years - it takes far too long to get hardware repaired - whether you take it to an Authorised Repair Centre or send it to AppleCare. It's useless in a business environment. At the least Apple need to add a next business day service, just like all the other 'tier one' PC manufacturers do. I'm baffled why Apple don't offer this.

  • que tem o pokemon black e
  • 01civicman
    Apr 8, 08:12 AM
    I am also a work at BB. I can tell you how it works for me. If we are getting shipments, its being kept from the associates (at least in my store). My store is small and if they were some where in plain sight, we'd see them. Plus I'm pretty close to a lot of inventory guys. The Daily Quota thing doesn't make much sense, because in the end, its a month end budget that we have to meet. If we miss by 2K one day, but are over by 5K the next, it doesn't really matter. Sure the managers want to hit every day, but it doesn't really make that much sense. As for the $100 pre-sale, my store stopped it at about 10 people, so its not like we did that to a ton of people, and about a week ago, 6 of them got their iPad, so our "list" is almost empty. Also, having the iPad, definitely brings foot traffic in to potentially make money elsewhere, but in the end, if we sell 20,000 iPads (and nothing else), the store just lost money.

  • Green Waterfall Screensaver
  • SC68Cal
    Sep 18, 11:12 PM
    I went ahead and bought my MacBook Pro because I can't do my schoolwork without a laptop. So, I'm really not paying much attention these days about future announcements :)

  • For JB Video Screensaver
  • Stridder44
    Mar 26, 05:00 AM
    This seems a little fast for the first GM. Maybe not such a big update after all? Where are all the secrets? The UI could use more of an overhaul IMO. This is probably just for the devs and they will bust out some fancy fancy at WWDC. I hope! Gotta have that one more thing... I hope Lion lives up to the name and is BEAST. Exactly how I feel about it. I mean it feels like they just told us about it. We're just now starting to get rumors and tips about the new OS. Windows 8 isn't slated to come out until Q4 2012. Take your time Apple. Snow Leopard is a fantastic and very stable OS. PLEASE don't rush Lion! Take your time to iron out the bugs, and add more stuff in if need be.

  • pokemon black rom,
  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 19, 03:12 PM
    Apple better not win this case and anyone who thinks that they should are a fool. lame

  • lack-suited #39;beautiful
  • gnasher729
    Jul 14, 05:20 PM
    A 2.66 Ghz Woodcrest will probably be faster than a 2.93Ghz Conroe. A 1.83Ghz Yonah is faster than a 3.2Ghz Pentium, right?;) Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest all use Intel's new "Core Microarchitecture" (a bit confusing: Core Duo does _not_ use "Core Microarchitecture", it is basically an improved Pentium III. The Core 2 Duo chips use Core Microarchitecture). All three chips produce the same performance at the same clockspeed. Cache size may make a difference, but the Conroe models starting at 2.4 GHz all have the large 4 MB cache. So a single 2.66 GHz Woodcrest will be substantially slower than a 2.93 GHz Conroe. Not that it matters; the 2.93 GHz Conroe is extremely overpriced and unlikely to be used in any Macintosh. I personally would expect 2.0GHz Conroe, 2.66 GHz Conroe, 2 x 2 GHz Woodcrest and 2 x 2.66 GHz Woodcrest for a wide range from cheap to maximum performance.

  • Fireside is a screensaver that
  • 4God
    Jul 14, 11:30 PM
    School House Rock - "Oh, I'm just a bill, a lonely old bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill" (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1569494088/002-8458341-9463244?redirect=true) That's old school. Even I remember that one.

  • Fireplace 3D Screensaver 1.1.
  • ergle2
    Sep 20, 03:51 PM
    Umm. What happened in here? Can we reurn to some common respect please? This spat isn't constructive. True enough. I ... well, I won't go there, too likely to throw more fuel on the fire. I'll drop it if she does, fair enough?

  • Image of Star Wars 3D
  • Michael Scrip
    Apr 8, 01:13 AM
    As long as Wal-Mart still carries the iPad 2... all is right with the world... Oh, and Toys-R-Us... I think there is one of those around me. :D

  • Flash Screen Saver
  • skunk
    Apr 27, 04:51 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :PIt's just like kings, innit?

    Mar 31, 03:20 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later. John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased. Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes. Except... he's right. This was a bait-and-switch from Google. I don't think it was a bad move for the future of the platform, but it does render a lot of their PR commentary through history as bogus. As for Gruber, you clearly don't like him, but while he is certainly a fan of Apple he is usually correct. Despite what the fandroids think, the Android Ecosystem is in a world of hurt. Fragmentation is a much bigger problem then even Jobs said and they have almost no market at all for paid applications today. They will continue to dominate the worthless bottom of the market and nothing else if they do not do something to reign in these manufacturers.

    Apr 25, 03:58 PM
    I always wonder what people are thinking... "Apple <or insert any evil corporation or government entity> has 100s millions of customers, but I bet they've singled me out for tracking with the black helicopters and vans because I make $25,000 a year and have access to the a state of the art Camry and have 2.5 kids." or "Those bastards at Apple <or insert again> are trying to figure out what I like to buy with their Genius tracking the songs I download, ads I click on, etc. to try to target ads and future products at me! Those sons of bitches!" People, 1984 was long ago. You have no privacy unless you don't live in society, e.g unabomber. Get over yourself, you are not so special Apple is paying any specific attention to you. They want to know how many 1000s of people are at your Starbucks, but not you. Otherwise, encrypt your backups, chain your iPhone, iPad, Macs and PCs to your wrist, and shoot at anyone that looks over your shoulder. Besides, the iPhone Software License Agreement is pretty solid on this front. The only hole to fill is why it might still be logging when Location Services is disabled. But at end of the day, this is a tiny tiny aspect of a much much larger issue - we use technology that will track what we do, influence us, etc. We have to learn to accept this. It's going to be impossible to stop this. Get over it.

    Mar 31, 03:10 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later. John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased. Ditto. Gruber is as much a blow hard as anyone can possibly be. He's such an arrogant, self-absorbing prick of a human being, without an un-biased bone in his body. He is the epitome of Apple fanboy.

    Aug 26, 11:44 AM
    Im sorry, but when you recall 1.8million batteries, and expect them not to get over laoded with call, your crazy. Dell is making some people wait nearly 70 days to get their replacement. Its a LOT of batteries. Affecting a LOT of users. These things happen. Because Apple customers care about Apple and they want the best and reasonable services from it. Unfortunately, this is not the current case. I am sure most people agree that Apple's current way of handling the battery replacements leaves lots of rooms for improvements, particularly in non-US areas. We also shouldn't feel good just because Dell also does not handle it too well. After all, Dell has more batteries to replace and has a shorter period of time for preparations. Supposingly, Dell provides bargain PCs, while Apple tends to charge a premium for their products. Can't Apple customers deserve better services? Shouldn't Apple be better? Should we all lower our expectations from Apple and ask for a cheaper price instead?

    Apr 11, 12:02 PM
    And you'll be complaining about battery life and the Android experience in a few days. 4.1.57 is the ticket to wonderful battery life - been using it a lot for browsing and voice calls since early morning and it isn't showing any signs of weakness. Android experience - Atrix is the best phone I ever owned in a while. Showed it to a friend on iPhone 3GS with completed contract and he's all set to get one too.