Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back

Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back
Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back
Flower Tattoo Ideas for Girl FeetRose Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girls Side BodyJapanese Flower Tattoo Design on AbdomenLower Back Flower tattoo Design for GirlsHoney Bee Flower Tattoo Abdomen tattoo Design FAMOUS TATTOO QUOTES:"It's only his outside; a man can be honest in any sort of skin."- Herman Melville -- Moby-DickEverybody wants to see the pictures, and yet nobody wants to see them. Ray Bradbury -- The Illustrated Man "But to become a freak one needs a strong character and unusual determination."George Burchett - Memoirs of a Tattooist, 1956Traditionally, body art has served to attract the opposite sex, boost self-esteem, ward off or invoke spirits, indicate social position or marital status, identify with a particular age or gender group or mark a rite of passage, such as puberty or marriage. It's this sort of strictly prescribed, highly ritualistic decoration that Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher depict in their book, African Ceremonies. "We've tried to show how body art is relevant to every stage of development, from birth to death," says Angela Fisher.