Don’t be a freebie seeker.
Chuan showed me the error of my ways so to speak, and made me realize that “free” and “unique” do not go hand in hand. Spending a tad amount of cash can really go a long way in helping you secure a design that will be a part of your body for the rest of your life. You wouldn’t want to fork out your hard-earned bucks for a laser surgery or cover-ups, right? Of course not! You’re better off spending the extra dough on a large pizza (sorry, can’t resist the pun) with all the trimmings to celebrate the end of your search for unique Libra tattoos.
feminine zodiac | Tattoo Girls
tatoto removal | tattoo johnny
Medical technology has definitely advanced in recent years, because before, people who got a tattoos only had the option of tattooing over it or covering it if they did not like it. Now, there are two main methods of tattoo removal, the first using a chemical solution known as TCA, and the second involving lasers.
TCA is a solution that is clear, and it actually resembles water. The solution itself is gently, with a q tip, applied to the tattooed area by the person wishing to get rid of their tattoo. What this solution does is permeate the upper layers of the skin, and slowly break apart the skin molecules that have bonded to the ink. This process needs to be done once every six weeks or so in order to prevent scarring.
Another option is to choose a form of tattoo removal that involves lasers. This is, perhaps, the more prevalent removal method, generally because it is considered to be the safest method of removal. In such a procedure, which is done in an outpatient setting by a dermatologist, the heat of the laser destroys the molecules that have bonded to the ink. At the same time, the laser light stimulates more blood flow in the area, which in turn helps to build more new, clear skin tissue.
It is important to note that the laser method will also need to be spaced out over a period of several weeks to several months in order to prevent scarring. Perhaps the more commonly asked question by those people who are looking to get rid of their body art is in reference to how long it will actually take. This answer varies in accordance with the kind of tattoo that was gotten, as well as the age of the tattoo.
Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS
Most who decide to look into the psychology of those with tattoos seem to associate them as criminals and study them like they are common rats in the cage. Contrary to this opinion that many experts have, those who have tattoos aren’t in any type of cage. Instead, they are out there expressing their freedom. Whether they are going by what they believe, showing that they belong to a certain group or clan, or paying homage to the dearly departed – there are always meanings behind tattoos.
The psychologist who studies those with tattoos will normally try to get into their frame of mind, which is hard to do. For hundreds of years tattoos have always been a question from a psychological standpoint, with most people associating tattoos in the past with criminals. Even though criminals may have tattoos, there are just as many if not more people out there who are some of the friendliest people in the world who have them as well.
To look at tattoos from a psychological standpoint can sometimes be hypocritical. Although those who don’t have tattoos will try and figure out why someone would want them, it can still be considered a psychological point of view. Those who have tattoos had a reason for getting them, or they wouldn’t have got them in the first place.No matter where you look these days it’s a common thing to see someone with at least one tattoo. This doesn’t mean that society is dwindling in any way, nor does it mean that mankind is becoming a bunch of clones following after one leader. Tattoos have built there own reputation over the years, gaining in popularity. Over the years more and more people have decided to get them – which only goes to show the phenomenon that is tattoos.
When you decide to look at the psychology of tattoos, you must first understand some of the meanings. A tattoo can tell you a lot about the individual and his past. Although some tattoos may be a bit frightening, that individual may have got the tattoos in his past and turn out to be nothing like that now. Like others out there – the tattoos that were obtained in the past may be left as a reminder for the future.
Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS
TATTOO EXPO | Polynesian tattoo expo
If you go through the foto tatuaggi Maori you will learn many things about the wearer as to the tribe of which he is a member, the religion he or she follows and the position and standing he or she enjoys within their tribe. If you are interested in going for a tatuaggi tribali make sure that you choose one which does not have the distinctiveness of the Maori tribe and which has a meaning to the Maoris.
The prevailing tatuaggi tribali communicates individualism, grace and sophistication and are found to be pretty well-liked by all tattoo fans. A quick look at the foto tatuaggi Maori will tell you that they denote high regard, bravery and surrender as in the olden days getting a tattoo or tatuaggi was a very long and agonizing procedure. The tatuaggi Maori are very beautiful and imaginative and come shaped like a whirl or curve. Some of them are combined with Celtic tattoos to arrive at even better new patterns.The tatuaggi Maori lines are known to be the major foundation of tribal arts all over the world as they have their own distinctiveness in the Polynesian arts. Rather than on the face, the tatuaggi tribali look very attractive on the shoulder. If you take a look at the tatuaggi Maori you will see that most of the tattoos are large or medium sized and are available in different shapes and colors or simply black and white depending on the taste of each lover of body art. Once you get your tattoos done, it is very expensive to reverse the process and also extremely painful, so make sure that you select the right tatuaggi tribali so you can be happy with it for life.
Before you visit a tattoos parlor, make sure you have seen enough foto tatuaggi Maori to help you make the perfect decision. This will avoid you having to make up your mind at the very last minute and save you from making some rash and hasty decisions. The internet too has quite a few websites where you can browse through the immagini tatuaggi tribali and select the perfect one for you.
TATTOO EXPO | Tattoo Girls
Bird tattoos are also very popular due to their connection with religion as well as the mystical. Birds can be found in every era of history; stick figurines of birds have been discovered in the ancient Egyptian tombs in the pyramids, bedecking Arapaho Ghost Dance costumes, at African traditional rituals and weddings across all religions. Christian portrayals of cherubs and angels show them having wings, which are synonymous with birds. In almost all instances, birds are symbols of all the positive things in life, which is why many people tend to go for bird tattoo designs, especially for their first tattoos.
A bird tattoo design will consist of a pair of birds, depicted together. They tend to be opposites in characteristics; fair to dark, black to white, big to small. This merely shows the dual nature of the universe; where sadness exists, so does happiness. Where night exists, so does day. In other cases, good and evil are also portrayed by birds, for example, when we have a bird tattoo design of a bird fighting a serpent.
TATTOO EXPO | Tattoo Girls
TATTOO EXPO | Tattoo Girls
Decidedly, there are some implications to birds that are not completely normal. In China, the bird is called the niao, which also means penis, thereby bringing in sexual overtones into bird tattoos. Also, the double meaning of a cock as either a rooster or a penis dates back to eras past in the Rome of old. Some portrayals of birds are quite negative in impact. In Germany, to be insane can be put politely as to 'have a bird'! 'Bird-brain' is also one of the most famous insults in the Western World, although most people do not associate these negative impressions with bird tattoos designs.
TATTOO EXPO | Tattoo Girls
You can get plenty of bird tattoo designs on the internet. In the animal kingdom, bird tattoo designs are only a small part of the entire spectrum. To see other types of animal tattoos, do visit our pages on animal tattoos, insect and reptile tattoos, and sea world tattoos!
TATTOO EXPO | Tattoo Girls
TATTOO GIRLS | safety tattoos from HIV
TATTOO GIRLS | safety tattoos from HIV
Just like other activities, tattooing can be very dangerous. Although tattooing is indeed dangerous, there are ways that you can minimize or eliminate the potential dangers. Each and everyday, tattoo artists have to adhere to a strict code of safety to ensure that the risk of contracting HIV or any other diseases is little to none.
Professional tattoo artists will sterilize their equipment after each use. They use steam pressure autoclave when disinfecting their tattoo guns and needles. Bleach and alcohol don’t sterilize the equipment; they are instead used to prep the equipment. Once the bleach and alcohol have been used on the instruments, they will then be autoclaved, which will sterilize them.
When the tattoo artist does the tattoo, he should always wear rubber gloves that can easily be disposed of. The ointment spreaders and any type of rags that are used should also be disposable. When you walk into the tattoo studio, the floors should be spotless. In the rooms where the tattoos are done, the working area should always be clean and sanitary.
Before the tattooist starts the tattoo, he should always give each customer a brand new set of fresh needles. Then, he should always dip the needle in a small cap of pigment that he just took out of a large squeezable bottle. If the artist dips the needle into the big bottle, you may very well be sharing fluids with those who have had tattoos from that same big bottle.
Whenever you decide to get a tattoo you should always put safety first. Safety is very important with tattoos, as you could otherwise get a disease or a serious infection. Before you decide on a tattoo studio, you should always make sure that they are clean and sanitary. If you get a tattoo from a studio that is dirty or unsanitary, you could wind up on a never ending spiral of infections and viruses.
Tribal tattoos are among the most popular designs. They have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and they are always evolving and becoming more and more complex with their designs and styles. Tribal tattoos can either be the traditional black style that cover the arms and the legs or the more colorful styles that can cover every area of the body. The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other styles. The “old school” styles of tattoos are also popular. Anchors and things like that are making a great comeback these days and not just with sailors. These styles were very common and very popular back in the 60s. They are rapidly gaining their popularity back, as females and males are getting anchors and swallow designs tattooed on them more and more.
Lower back tattoos are the most common for women. The lower back tattoos is one of the most sexual and sensual areas on a women, making the ideal spot for a tattoo. Tribal designs are the most popular, although flowers, dragons, and other symbols make great tattoos as well. The lower back offers plenty of natural curves as well, which can make for an innovative tattoo. Often times, women tend to include tribal that spreads, covering the base of their hips as well.
Dragon designs are another popular type style of tattoos. They were popular in the past, and are now starting to get their popularity back. There are a lot of different dragons to choose from, including the mythical dragon and ancient Chinese dragon. Dragons are great on the chest for males and the back for females. Dragon tattoos can be virtually any size, although most males tend to have them cover one side of their chest or the upper region of their arms.
Celtic tattoos are also popular as well. They are mostly seen with those who have a Celtic heritage, although some with no Celtic heritage have them as well. They offer a variety of symbols and designs, providing universal meanings for everyone. Often times they are mixed with tribal tattoos to create a more innovative tattoo.
There are several other types of tattoos out there, although the above are the most common. Tattoos can be very creative and innovative; it all depends on what you want. If you’re looking to stand out and be truly creative – you can always have a professional tattoo artist design one for you.
TATTOO EXPO | flower Foot Tattoos
Foot tattoos are also less obvious compared to tattoos on other areas. This is important for some people who want to keep their tattoos discreet. You may want for example to have a tattoo of something significant but do not want to flash it outright for the whole world to see. A foot tattoo would therefore be perfect. You can have a small design that you can show or hide at your own discretion.
Girl Foot Tattoo Disadvantages
Some tattoo artists don't do foot tattoos. This is because there can be a couple of hitches to foot tattoos. This is also most likely why the foot isn't as popular as other tattoo sites. One major concern is that the ink on foot tattoos tends to spread, scatter or blur faster than those on other tattoos. You may have to get your tattoo re-inked more often than other tattoos.
Tattoos on the foot are also generally more painful. This is because of the foot's flesh being close to capillaries and bones. Unless you haven't noticed yet, most tattoos are located in areas with a lot of flesh. This minimizes the pain during the tattooing process. The pain of a foot tattoo can actually extend beyond the actual process. It shouldn't be a surprise to you if you feel some discomfort while using your feet.
You also have to consider about your recovery and activities after getting a tattoo on foot. It can make more than two weeks for a foot tattoo to heal. In this span of time, the tattoo has to be kept dry and clean. You also have to avoid getting your tattoo rubbed. This is very difficult to do with a foot tattoo. You may have to spend the entire time away from closed shoes.
These are just some of the unique challenges of getting a foot tattoo. You might still want to get one though. If you are really bent on it then the best thing that you can do is to find an experienced tattoo artist. Remember that not everyone does foot tattoos. You should therefore pick one who knows how to do it properly and with the least pain possible. You could also settle for smaller designs. These would be ideal for feminine feet. You would also have to deal with less pain and blurring.
A girl foot tattoo can be an entirely different experience even for the avid tattoo fan. You have to be sure though that you are absolutely willing and ready to meet the unique concerns of a foot tattoo.
TATTOO GIRLS | tattoo girls
Is it because you had a very special person in your life, who you want to honor. Or somebody you admire very much. Then think about the things they liked and had meaning to them. You can do this in combination with their name.
Is it because you want to show your love to someone? The names of your children are very suited for that. If you choose for the name of your partner, then remember sometimes partners are not forever and such a tattoo could be very hurtful for a next partner.
Is it because you know or saw someone with a tattoo which you really liked? Talk to them; ask them where they got it. But try to keep it original by changing it a little bit or browse for similar tattoos.
You could also consider getting a tattoo artist to draw a custom design exclusively for you. This option is more expensive, but then you have something that no one else has.
If you are creative you could also draw one yourself and ask the artist if it is possible to ink it.
Answering these questions will give you an idea in which direction you want to go. But there are more things to consider.
Do you want a color or a black tattoo design? Black tends to give more definition and doesn't fade as much as if you use colors. With colored ones on the other hand you can bring more expression into your design. Generally using colors is more expensive.
Ask yourself before making a choice how big do you want it to be and do you want more then one. If you want more than one, you should think about a theme. You don't want to mix up all kind of different tattoos. Your body is not a trash can. How big or how many you want in a certain body area also determines where it should be placed. Make sure that there is enough room for all the future tattoos.
Also do you want to show your tattoo to the public? If not, better place it on a body part where it can't be seen by others. This is also a good suggestion if you have an employer who will not allow his employees to have tattoos on body parts which can be seen by the public.
The most important thing however is, try to be true to yourself, whatever tattoo design you decide upon. Never let anyone talk you into it. Take your time!
TATTOO GIRLS | Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo
For example if you have a dark or olive skin color it may be more appropriate to select a bright hue so the Koi fish tattoo is more noticeable. If you are wanting to go the more traditional style, you may want to choose one of the Koi’s natural colors such as white, red, black, yellow or gold, or perhaps a mixture of those colors.
Ideally it is best to choose a color design that compliments your skin tone. As a suggestion, if you have yellowish tone in your skin it might be more appropriate to have a gold or yellow and red tattoo. If you have pink to your skin, black, white, red, or blue may be the best color selection for your Japanese Koi fish tattoo design.
Tattoo Positioning
Have you any idea where you intend to position your tattoo? It is recommended that you make sure that your Koi fish tattoo has a place of honor on your body. You must also ensure it is in a place on your body that you can live with. For example, if your work place is of a conservative nature which frowns on employees having ‘out there' body art or has a strict dress code you may not want your tattoo on your hand, face, neck or lower arm where the tattoo is readily visible and almost impossible to camouflage with clothing.On the other hand, if you are free to show off your lucky Japanese Koi fish tattoo design, consider placing it on the small of your back, your forearms, around the side of your neck or even swimming around your ankle, as is one of the preferred places for female wearers of the Japanese Koi fish tattoo.
Koi Tattoo Environments
Once you have decided what your tattoo is going to look like and where it is going to be put, you need to give consideration to what other features you would like to include with the design. A popular and effective addition to the Koi design is a flowing stream, a calm pool or even rocky rapids. Combine your Japanese Koi fish tattoo design with a few unique inclusions such as your favorite Japanese symbol and it will result in a tattoo of high quality that can be cherished throughout the years by both the wearer and the admirers.
Online Tattoo School Training & Certification | tattoo convention
Want to Learn How To Tattoo? A Message from Gary Gray jr.
Do you have the drive, the determination and the willingness to learn? Then we can help make those dreams a reality!
The tattoo learning process is not an easy one. There is a lot to learn and getting a good apprenticeship can be very costly, what I am offering is a chance to get a helping hand in the apprenticeship learning battle.
I am a tattoo artist of 12 years. I have been published in numerous tattoo magazines and traveled around the United States learning my craft.
I will provide you with all the basic learning materials needed to get the basic understanding of how you can become a tattoo artist.
You will receive over 200 pages of tattoo learning materials. These are split up into in 15 sections to jump start the learning process.
You will also receive 24 DVD videos, made by "Insane Tattoo Products" and the "International School of Body Art" featuring myself and a few colleagues demonstrating different techniques in a hands on environment, with me explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it.
There is a lot of competition out there in the tattoo industry and also in the training portion of it. I invite you to check out my tattoos and make your own decision on who you want to teach you. I will let my tattoos speak for themselves.
If you would like to take it to the next level and begin your training, I would love to help you in that process.
I do not condone illegal tattooing and there are many other safe options available to you to learn how to tattoo without tattooing out of your house and hurting your friends in the process.
I am offering the following services to you as part of this tattoo apprenticeship program.
1. I will host a weekly online classroom, to answer any questions you may have in regard to the tattoo process.
2. You will have my personal email address to email me with any questions that need an answer sooner than the scheduled weekly forum classroom.
3. I will personally help you with all of the information that I can offer.
4. I will also help you with any aspect of the pre-tattooing process. I will offer advice on materials you will need and where to get these materials.
5. I will help you feel more confident. So that when you decide to walk through that door, and start your new career, That you will have the basic understanding of what it means to be a tattoo artist, and the knowledge to back it up…….